Ready to start your day thinking about the trip to Costa Rica WITHOUT thinking about the mounting credit card bills? In just 90 days, Rachel will teach you to master your money so you can quit wasting your life stressing about money!
I know that you want your money to be a source of security, not a source of stress. Most people think the next raise will solve their problems, but as soon as it comes…the money simply disappears into the ether with the rest of the paycheck.
No matter how much you bring in, especially if you’re earning 6-figures already, it seems to fly out of your wallet faster than you can bring it in, even when you feel like you’re being frugal. On top of that, the credit cards, which you’re making routine, large payments towards, don’t seem to be shrinking…
There are 3 pillars to my money coaching program:
Your subconscious beliefs around money are holding you back from success. If you wonder why managing your money is so hard, it’s because your brain is working against you. Learn about your money mindset so you can set up systems to make money management simple.
Discipline is hard to come by, and let’s face it, most of us don’t have it. So instead of beating yourself up and struggling, I’ll teach you to set up automations to make your money work for you, without a line by line budget.
Paying off debt is great, but that’s not going to allow you to retire. Retirement is a number (aka the size of portfolio you need in order to live off it for the rest of your life.) You cannot save your way to retirement, you absolutely must invest and I’ll teach you how to get started in a simple and approachable way!
It’s not your fault your money is a mess
What if I told you that society has screwed you over as a woman, teaching you in direct and indirect ways that girls aren’t supposed to be good with money? There’s a subtle language around letting our man take care of the money and being more comfortable in a cloud of financial ignorance.
trends beg you to let a professional take care of things, because you know deep down, you can’t be trusted, right?
Financial literacy isn’t like reading or gossiping - we don’t learn to do it culturally or in school. If your parents weren’t great with money, or didn’t know how to communicate positive money habits to you, then you’re on your own to figure it out.
Financial literacy is so much easier than you think.
Once you master your money, building wealth becomes simple.
But you have to take action to learn about money and the financial system.
Learning new things as an adult can be daunting, especially with how busy you are, but I promise that investing in your financial education is the best decision you can make.
About Rachel
Rachel Covert started Rachel Talks Money in 2021 after semi-retiring at 36 and discovering in her travels that women are sorely lacking in financial literacy. Rachel started her signature coaching program, Electri FI Wealth, in 2022 to teach women how to ditch the paycheck to paycheck cycle and build lasting, sustainable wealth.